
Create: Your imagination is a powerful tool, let it run free. There are so many reasons your imagination is important, here are some examples:

  • Imagination lets you express yourself and think outside the box
  • Imagination is the root of innovation
  • Using your imagination helps keep you positive and young
  • Using your imagination makes you more successful in life
  • Using out imagination is a powerful outlet for negative emotions and energy backed up inside of us

No two people on this earth think the exact same way and no two people can create the exact same thing. If you give two people the exact same image to create or idea to make into reality the difference of the two people’s way of thinking will be evident in the finished project. No matter how subtle the difference is that is individuality, in a manner of speaking, our own trademark. Imagination and Creativity is one of the things that separates us from the next person and makes us unique. I want you to express that and be proud of your individualism, let your trademark shine through.

Escape: We all need to escape from time to time.  In this world we all face so many stressors in the day-to-day life and it can seem impossible to handle sometimes. Some of these things must be handles and we can’t just pretend these problems and stressors don’t exist, but one of the best ways to deal with these things is to gain a new perspective. A way to do this is by stepping back and giving our mind an opportunity to recharge. Relaxation therapy is a great way to reduce the stressors in life and give us a chance to recharge. Some great ways to relax include aromatherapy, massage, and positive healing energy.

Therapeutic: About 50% of the US population has been or will be diagnosed with some form of mental health disorder. The term mental health disorder encompasses a wide range of symptoms and can mean anything from anxiety to depression to a personality disorder. Sometimes symptoms come and go, and sometimes they are there to stay. Maybe you have never had symptoms and that is wonderful, but chances are even if you don’t you know someone who does. Most of us know the traditional treatments with medication and counseling, but did you know there is a whole range of other techniques that help as well? Here at Escapes & Creations we focus on promoting relaxation therapy primarily in the form of creative expression. This method is proven to have positive effects and beneficial to those who do and do not suffer with mental health illness. Some benefits of creative expression include:

  • Improvement of cognitive and sensory motor function
  • Increases self-esteem and self-awareness
  • Cultivates emotional resilience
  • Promotes insight
  • Enhances social skills
  • Reduces conflicts and distress

American Art Therapy Association (AATA) says “it engages the mind, body, and spirit in ways that are distinct from verbal articulation alone.”